Sunday, December 9, 2012

World War II Spit Fire Fighter Design

This was a design I started for my father. I wanted to make him a picture he could hang on his wall of something he always wanted. I asked him the type of car he would have loved to won as a young man. He said a spitfire. Now your wondering why model a plane if he wanted a car? It was to do with how the company that made the plane did their ad for their car. It had the WW II Spitfire plane and car in the same scene. Sabb did the same sorta thing as well with their cars. I decided to follow in their foot steps and do the same so I had to model the plane and car. So far only the plane has been put into the works.

The above picture are the start of the design. Very basic and looks very un-distinctive at all.

 These ones, above, are when I actually went through and made things look like they should. I actually decided instead of using a texture to do it. I wanted to push myself to make the model with all the metal plates modeled into it and it have more feel to it then a texture with a bump map on it. Was it the correct decision? I wont know until everything is textured.

 The above pictures are me going through and adding in more details and sculpting things out so everything has the right crease and look. The nose still hadn't been fixed at this point and had rough edging to it that mde things look weird.

 This set of pics shows the added parts of the plane like air scoops propellers and so on. I even went through the nose and tried to fix things as best I could. The plane still is in the works, but at the very least It's starting to look good.

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