The above picture were the start of the design. I didn't have anything to work off of other than pictures off the internet, and I never sat down to draw out designs even though I should have. The pictures in blue were just a basic design to work from that led to the designs below.
I got on a few websites and posted this on a 3D forums for digital artists and then did some redesigning for myself after trying to get some info on how a forward sweeping wing design worked in real life. They gave me some design tips and I looked at to rework. On top of that my friends from school, since graduated, told me the base mesh was to heavy and I could get the same design without all the line segments. I started to go back and do all the work to fix it.
These were where I started to redo all the un needed line segments after looking at the above pictures. With all of those it took me a while but with some re-working I got the below pictures.
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